
(540) 946-7700 x107


Administration Building


Responsible for enrollment management at Fishburne.

Community Support Staff

Mr. Mike Payne

Director of Admissions

Fishburne has a long and rich history of helping young men see what’s great in them. The small class sizes and the individualized attention each cadet receives helps build their confidence not just in the classroom, but in every day life. Being an all boys military school, Fishburne provides an environment to help build a brotherhood of young men prepared to take their next steps upon graduation. While being challenged in the classroom, Fishburne also provides opportunities for exploration through multiple athletic programs, JROTC, and the residential boarding program. The campus is also located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley in historic central Virginia. 

I will convey the words my Grandfather gave to me when I had just finished packing to head to move-in day at boarding school: “Enjoy this ride. These will be the best friends you make, and you will create a brotherhood that will last a lifetime. Embrace the challenge, make friends, and have fun!”  


I am responsible for enrollment management at Fishburne, along with monitoring study hall one night a week. I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in English, Cum Laude from University of Mary Washington and earned my Master of Arts in Executive Leadership from Liberty University.

As a graduate of a Virginia boarding school, I have a deep appreciation for the opportunities provided for young men at schools like Fishburne. Some young men need more, and schools like Fishburne provide a place where they are supported and challenged. I applaud each young man and family that explores an option like Fishburne for their school career. The perfect parent/teacher/cadet partnership is three-fold: trust, communicate, and implement. Trust the process, communicate any questions/issues, and implement the game-plan.


Some of my hobbies include hiking, trying new local restaurants, watching baseball, playing guitar, and going on walks with my 4 year old puppy, Breeze. My favorite movie is the classic baseball film, The Sandlot. “You’re killing me, Smalls!” 

  • Favorite Cookie?

    Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

  • Superpower I wish I had


  • Favorite Band:

    Lynrd Skynrd

  • Horror or comedy?


  • Sports team I hate

    New York Yankees